Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Things to Have in Your Vacation First Aid Supplies

I’ve been told by several people that you should treat every cut, no matter how small, as if it a major wound. When a friend cut his toe on a rock after jumping off a waterfall near Pai, we spent a good 10 – 15 minutes cleaning and bandaging it. We used up most of my mini travel kit. When we got back to the hostel we redid it the whole process. This time in a cleaner, drier environment. He continued to care for it like this and his foot healed up well without issue. 

Now, here is the token horror story. I met a girl on Koh Phangan who, on a previous visit, got a small piece of glass in the bottom of her foot while on the beach during Full Moon Festival. She didn’t take care of it quite as diligently and ended up spending 3 weeks in the hospital on Koh Samui because it got infected. Even after that she still had to go back on a regular basis to have it drained. 

Having a well-stocked first aid kit is always good to have on hand. Now I’m not suggesting you go buy one of the big red first aid bags from your local outdoor store. It’s quite easy to make your own. In addition to bandaging material, keeping some basic medications from home will save you a good amount of trouble if problems arise. I recommend having a smaller travel kit to carry with you and a reserve that stays in your pack.

o   Band-aids: Pack mostly your standard size, but include a few other smaller and larger types.

o   Alcohol pads / Antibiotic ointment

o   Ibuprofen: Don’t take this on an empty stomach.

o   Acetopminaphen: It is really important that you don’t take this before, after or during drinking. It gets processed through the liver, same as alcohol.

o   Sudafed / Tums

o   Dramamine: Between the bus and boat rides I used more than enough to justify having it on hand.

o   Antihistamine pills / Antihistamine cream

o   Pawpaw: If you can get it.

Although not technically first aid, here are some other useful things to always bring on a trip

o   2 Small locks: You will need these for lockers at the hostels.

o   Ziplocs / Garbage bags: I keep a few sizes of Ziplocs with me on trips. The uses are endless

o   Basic sewing kit / Safety pins

o   Duct tape

o   Carabineers

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